Does this ring a bell?

Has anyone ever said:

  • “You’re TOO sensitive”

  • “Don’t overthink it”

  • “Why are you taking this so personally?”

  • “What a dreamer you are!”

Have you ever felt :

  • Unsure where you end and others begin….

  • Called to be of help to others/animals/Mother Earth?

  • Curious about intuition, energywork, healing, or connecting with Spirit?

~ Welcome ~ You have found the right place!

Barbara Bartley Baldwin - Everyday Spirit Connections

Hi! Glad you’re here!

I’m Barbara Bartley Baldwin ~ Energy Worker, Licensed Massage Therapist, Empath, Spiritual Medium, Ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister, and Prayer Warrior.

I’ve been learning about healing and connecting to Spirit/Love all my life. No stranger to trauma & loss, I have many tools to share. I’m dedicated to helping others discover and strengthen their ‘gifts’ (YES—we all have them)! I look forward to connecting with you! I’m here to help.

I know healing is possible…

“Love Is The Answer…”

Key to your intuition- Everyday Spirit Connections

~ Sessions ~

Each session will be unique, guided by your Higher Self and what you are seeking. Within the session you may :

  • Connect more deeply with your intuition

  • Connect with Ancestors & Spirit Helpers

  • Explore boundaries and ways to get grounded

  • Find your joy & seek “next steps”

  • And more!

Many people are waking up to their gifts these days, It’s my pleasure to support you on your Journey, and it will be fun!

Wedding Ceremony - Everyday Spirit Connections

~ Ceremonies ~

As an Ordained Interspiritual Minister, I am here to help you create meaningful ways to celebrate all the seasons of life:

  • Weddings

  • Baby Naming/Blessings

  • Home /Land Blessings & Clearings

  • Seasonal Celebrations/Community Building

  • Memorials & End of Life Celebrations

  • Life Passages

We are all just walking each other home.
— Ram Dass

~ Let’s Keep in Touch ~

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